Yun Wang

About Me

Astrophysics, cosmology, and continuous wavelet analysis. I am currently a Postdoctoral fellow supported by the "Dingxin Scholar" Program of Jilin University. I got my Ph.D. in theoretical physics in 2023 at Jilin University. I am working on the development of fast algorithms for the continuous wavelet transform (CWT), the construction of statistical tools based on the CWT, and their applications for analyzing the large-scale structure of the Universe at late epochs.

Feel free to download my CV.


  1. Yun Wang and Ping He, “The continuous wavelet derived by smoothing function and its application in cosmology”, Commun. Theor. Phys., 2021. [arXiv][ADS][PDF]
  2. Hua-Yu Yang, Yun Wang, Ping He and et al., “The spatial distribution deviation and the power suppression of baryons from dark matter”, MNRAS, 2021. [arXiv][ADS][PDF]
  3. Yun Wang, Hua-Yu Yang, and Ping He, “Continuous Wavelet Analysis of Matter Clustering Using the Gaussian-derived Wavelet”, ApJ, 2022. [arXiv][ADS][PDF]
  4. Yun Wang and Ping He, “Simultaneous Dependence of Matter Clustering on Scale and Environment”, ApJ, 2022. [arXiv][ADS][PDF]
  5. Yun Wang and Ping He, “Comparisons between fast algorithms for the continuous wavelet transform and applications in cosmology: the 1D case”, RASTI, 2023. [arXiv][ADS][PDF]
  6. Yun Wang and Ping He, “How do baryonic effects on the cosmic matter distribution vary with scale and local density environment?”, MNRAS, 2024. [arXiv][ADS][PDF]
  7. Yun Wang and Ping He, "Turbulence, thermal pressure, and their dynamical effects on cosmic baryonic fluid", MNRAS: Letters, 2024. [arXiv][ADS][PDF]
  8. Minxing Li, Yun Wang and Ping He, "Identifying Halos in Cosmological Simulations with Continuous Wavelet Analysis: The 2D Case", ApJ, 2024. [arXiv][ADS][PDF]
  9. Yun Wang and Ping He, "Turbulence Revealed by Wavelet Transform: Power Spectrum and Intermittency for the Velocity Field of the Cosmic Baryonic Fluid", ApJ, 2024. [arXiv][ADS][PDF]



Yun Wang
College of Physics
Jilin university
No.2699, Qianjin Road
P. R. China